Monday, July 20, 2009

Moving Mountains

We started really moving into our house this weekend, even though we closed on it a month ago. We got our first surprise when Best Buy informed us the day before our appliances were to arrive, that our fridge is over a month backordered. I am not really sure why they waited until the day before to let us know, but I hope to get some answers tonight after work. I thought about sending Heidi in to "lay down the law," but after "listening" to her take on the situation I think I will save myself the bail money and handle it myself.

The next thing I noticed is that it is incredible, being a "Brand New" (2 Year Old) house, how many small things I find that need repairs, some fixing, or touch-ups. Maybe it is not such a great thing be to OCD and pay so much attention to all these small details. My illness is here to stay so I better clear my calendar and apply for a Lowe's credit card because my to do list has grown exponentially this weekend.

This weekend, all in all, feels like a success. We caulked all the holes in the masonry board where they hung windstorm panels for Hurricane Ike (But the color of the caulk does not match the window trim, yet) and fertilized the yard just time to catch that inch of rain we got last night. As much as I LOVE the landscaping, I can't help but wonder if I have bitten off more than I can chew (I did at one point call a sago palm a cactus. lol)

The house is slowing becoming more liveable. Our Samsung washer/dyer and Heidi's (That was one of her demands) Tempur-pedic were delivered this weekend so it is starting to fill out and we had the carpets shampooed because the prior owner had a dog and we would like to avoid a "turf war" with our girls (Bambi and Chloe.) On a positive note I slept like a baby last night and we are looking forward to making more progress this week.


  1. LOL I did one weekend of messing with what is a 10th of your yard in my back part of the house and called a contractor out to brick over about 90% of it. Good luck and god bless I hope u have a green thumb kid. P.S welcome to the happy times of home ownership :)

  2. There will never be a point where there is not something for you to work on or fix. Just a heads up!

  3. Sounds like you are handling everything very methodical which is the best way to reach your goals as a homeowner.
